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Improve Your Posture and Improve Your Life: How We Can Help

Improve Your Posture and Improve Your Life: How We Can Help

Your body is all about balance. Some points of balance include lifestyle, like nutritional decisions or the work/life ratio. When it comes to your musculoskeletal system, balance becomes literal. Your body builds out from the spine, which does an amazing job of distributing loads while enabling movement. 

Poor posture, though, works against your body’s mechanical balance. When you have poor posture habits or muscular conditions that interfere with the spine’s efficiency, your mobility becomes impaired. At Herald Square Chiropractic and Sport, located in New York City, we can help you regain control of your posture. 

The goals of chiropractic care

Many people think of chiropractic care as a “fix” for problems, such as a sore back or persistent headaches. While it’s true that our chiropractors can help to relieve problems like these and more, the fundamental philosophies behind chiropractic aren’t about delivering cures. 

Instead, we target your body’s systemic balance. By adjusting and optimizing the alignment of your musculoskeletal system, our providers free your body to optimize itself. Relieving nerve compression and improving blood flow allow your body to resolve pain and speed healing, all without medications or physical interventions. Poor posture contributes to the unbalanced conditions creating your symptoms. 

Postural challenges

Good posture isn’t just about sitting or standing up straight, though attention to those aspects can help. There are ergonomics challenges in virtually everything you do. 

For example, the wrong office chair, a low computer monitor, or an improperly placed mouse pad can negatively alter your posture in ways that may not be immediately obvious. Viewing tablets and smartphones can strain the neck. Preparing a meal at the kitchen counter often invites a forward lean that strains your back. Weak body mechanics during your favorite sport can strain joints like the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees. 

The chiropractic approach

With all these forces working against your body’s balance, chiropractic care resets your muscles and skeleton. The careful adjustments performed by our team provide the corrective tilts and twists necessary to restore your joints to neutral and balanced positions. 

A chiropractic adjustment relieves pressure points on nerves. Blood flow improves to tight tissue. Tipped shoulders or hips level off. Sitting or standing straight is easier to maintain, and your body gains protection against moments of imbalance. Better still, the symptoms of poor posture begin to fade. 

Benefits of chiropractic care for poor posture

Chiropractic adjustments prevent problems as well as treat balance and posture issues. Some common benefits of improved posture include: 

Book a consultation with our team at Herald Square Chiropractic and Sport for a posture evaluation. You can reach our office by phone or online, so schedule your visit now.

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