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Ask Your Physical Therapist These Questions

Ask Your Physical Therapist These Questions

A physical therapy program lays the foundation for a full recovery from pain. But to maximize the benefits, your active participation is required. Don’t be afraid to ask questions because your physical therapist needs your feedback to tailor your treatment to your needs and goals.

At Herald Square Chiropractic and Sport, located in New York City, we offer treatments that benefit you at all stages of rehabilitation, such as soft tissue therapy and massage therapy. Our team and wellness partners make your recovery as smooth and efficient as possible. 

Today, we’ll learn more about physical therapy and suggest questions for your physical therapist.

Physical therapy: What is it?

Physical therapy is a general term that covers a wide range of treatments and therapies designed to relieve pain. We often recommend physical therapy after an injury or significant surgery to restore full strength and movement.

Our physical therapists use a combination of methods depending on your needs. Your treatment plan can include the following techniques:

When should you seek physical therapy?

If pain is diminishing your quality of life, we recommend making an appointment with our physical rehabilitation specialists at Herald Square Chiropractic and Sport.

Older adults and people in assistive care may also benefit from physical therapy to increase their independence and prevent falls and other accidents.

When you visit our board-certified team, we first consult with you regarding your symptoms, concerns, and goals for your recovery. With a focus on both rehabilitation and prevention of future injuries, we work with you to improve the following areas:

Questions to ask your physical therapist

Physical therapy is a partnership between you and your therapist. We welcome discussion and active participation in your treatment. Ask your physical therapist these questions to get the most out of your rehabilitation sessions.

What does a PT session look like?

Your physical therapy treatment plan is unique to you, so there’s no one-size-fits-all physical therapy situation. Stretches and therapeutic exercises are part of most sessions, but your therapist can tell you exactly what to expect.

Will my treatment hurt?

Some discomfort during PT is normal when you’re working out an injury, but let your therapist know about any pain you experience during or after treatment. We can make adjustments to your therapy sessions if pain becomes an issue.

The goal of physical therapy is to reduce or eliminate pain. Treatments, such as massage, heat therapy, and ultrasound, promote muscle relaxation and rarely cause discomfort. 

How long will I need physical therapy?

The length of your physical therapy program will vary based on your individual needs, and there may be adjustments along the way. We use functional movement tests to evaluate your mobility as your treatment progresses.

Some people need physical therapy for the rest of their lives, while others only need it for a few weeks. Ask our team for a specific timeline based on your injury or condition.

What else can I do to speed up my recovery?

Simply attending physical therapy appointments every week won’t get you where you need to be. A positive attitude and enthusiasm go a long way in recovering from any physical setback.

Our team will give you homework, such as exercises and stretches between sessions. Following your therapist’s instructions is essential to get the most out of your physical therapy program.

Begin your recovery today

Our Herald Square Chiropractic and Sport team is here for you during rehabilitation. Call or click today to make an appointment at our Midtown Manhattan, New York City office.

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